I would like to immortalize old family pictures on DVD for future generations. What should I do?

As a first step, you should select your photos in a chronological order, similar to a genealogic tree. Then, add a number at the back of your photos or documents. One hundred photos will make a film of about ten minutes. This montage includes transitional effects between photos and sub-titles as required to mention the name of a person, an event, a place or a date.

SineQuaNet Films provides forms to facilitate your montage. Should you need more advice, we are at your disposal and can meet you in Geneva to respond to your queries and make appropriate suggestions.

What effects do you propose for the animation of the photos?

We can zoom on the persons of your choice or do a travelling. Your film becomes more lively and interesting. Should you want other effects, do not hesitate to contact us.

Can my film have a customized menu?

Yes. You should provide us with the necessary indications (titles) to create your menu.

Can I include videos in my photo montage?

Yes. You should indicate the beginning and end of each clip and tell us where you would like to have them inserted.

Is it possible to have a black and white film transformed into sepia?

Yes. We can modify the color of your photos or videos in sepia or black and white.  Just let us know!

Do you film events such as weddings, parties, birthdays ?

SineQuaNet Films does not usually provide this service. What we can do is to include a commentary in your photo/video montage. In this case, please contact us for more information.

A QUESTION? Please contact us at: contact@sinequanet.com